One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BM in Composition Degree

Why Study Music Composition at Cedarville?

Pursue your artistic and professional goals with Cedarville's distinctly Christian Bachelor of Music in composition degree. Through this program, you'll be prepared for a career in film and concert composition, arranging, music production, and music entrepreneurship. You'll benefit from regular collaborations with the performance area, readings with our large ensembles, and first-rate technology facilities.

At Cedarville, Bach's famous phrase "Soli Deo Gloria" — for the glory of God alone — is more than just a slogan. It is the mission that drives all we do to honor the Creator with our craft. Through rigorous, biblically integrated coursework and practical application experiences, you'll work to master your skills under the guidance of accomplished professors dedicated to mentoring you. When you graduate, you'll be equipped for a career and ready to make a difference for Christ within the music composition industry.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Two women sitting at a piano

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Austin Jaquith

Austin Jaquith, DMA

Professor of Music Theory and Composition

Program News